Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Dangers Of High Fructose Corn Syrup (Refined Sugar)

The use of HFCS began to spread in the 1980s as food manufacturers sought a sweeter and cheaper alternative to sugar. High-fructose corn syrup extends the shelf life of foods thus making it a popular ingredient in a long list of products that includes: soda, salad dressing, ketchup, breakfast cereals, and many processed foods. Check for yourself. Read your food labels. You might be surprised by how many foods contain high-fructose corn syrup. These types of foods are high in calories and low in nutritional value.High fructose corn syrups lurks in many popular products on your shelf besides just soda. Soups, candy, ice cream, and even energy drinks that are touted to be healthy all have this processed ingredient. Don't be fooled! Read the labels on your food carefully before you put this sweetener that has been linked to both diabetes and obesity into your body.According to the Mayo Clinic, HFCS is the leading ingredient after carbonated water in soda. Women who drink at least one regular soda a day are 85 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who drink less. HFCS also leads to tooth decay. If you were to put a baby's tooth in a glass of soda, it would dissolve completely.
High fructose corn syrup is disguised under the name "crystalline fructose" which is contained in Glaceau Vitamin Water and other energy drinks.Research by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reveals that high fructose diets shorten the life span of laboratory mice from the normal two years to a mere five weeks.In my opinion, High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the most destructive drugs in the world. It is more destructive than cocaine and alcohol. High fructose corn syrup is a button that gets constantly pushed in everybody who eats fast food, junk food, processed food, conventionally grown food. Chronic consumption of high fructose corn syrup has been known cause blood sugar disorders, mood swings, and hypoglycemia. It can also cascade into diabetes type II, anxiety, and other more severe mental disorders.Quick Tips to Reduce High-Fructose Corn Syrup in your dietRead food Labels. If the food contains high fructose corn syrup don't buy it! Cut all foods with HF Corn Syrup from your diet. Use sweeteners that are healthier for you like Stevia, Yacon, Raw Unprocessed Honey, Xylitol (from birch), Agave Nectar.Stop drinking soda!
If you are going to eat canned fruit, eat the kind that is canned in its own juices instead of heavy syrup.
Make your own organic juices instead of buying the processed kind. Fresh squeezed orange juice and apple juice are great-tasting and healthy! Experiment with delicious fruits such as mango, papaya, and durian to create exotic combinations that taste great, satisfy your cravings, and are chock-full of nutrition!
Excellent alternative sweeteners:
Yacon Root (powder and syrup):A healthy, non-glycemic, natural, raw, organic, low-calorie sweetener, yacon syrup is fresh pressed from the yacon root, and has been enjoyed for centuries in the Andean highlands of Peru. Yacon is both naturally low-calorie and low in mono and disaccharides (containing less than 1 g per serving of the sugars that rapidly elevate blood sugar levels). Yacon is a distant relative of the sunflower with edible tubers and leaves. It is commonly grown and consumed from Colombia to northwest Argentina.As a prebiotic, yacon is good for digestion, stimulates positive colon health, and helps with the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and other vitamins. Yacon helps to regulate friendly intestinal flora, and especially improves the growth of bifidobacterium, thus helping to reduce constipation. Because of its high antioxidant value, yacon is beneficial in reducing free-radical damage in the body, especially the colon.Though packed with sweetness, the sugar in yacon is mainly fructooligosaccharide, which cannot be absorbed by the body. In fact, the root of yacon is considered the world's richest natural source of FOS (Fructooliosaccharides). Most other roots and tubers store carbohydrates as starch - a polymer chain of glucose; yacon stores carbohydrate as FOS - a polymer chain composed mainly of fructose. This FOS can be considered a subgroup of inulin because it has a similar molecular structure, but with shorter fructose chains.Yacon roots contain important quantities of potassium and antioxidants.Tests from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru [July, 2004] tested how Yacon syrup affects blood glucose levels. Participants (60 non-diabetic men and women between the ages of 20 and 60) fasted for at least eight hours before ingesting varried sweeteners. Three groups were given different samples of Yacon, one group was given bee's honey, another group was given maple's syrup, and the last was given anhydrous glucose. The group ingesting Yacon syrup had the least blood sugar varriance as measured before and after. These results showed that Yacon had very little effect on glucose levels, while other sweeteners showed an immediate significant rise and a slow decline back to normal.Yacon helps manage cholesterol and triglyceride levels within the body, as well as fat metabolism in general. Yacon also contains glyconutrients and helps boost the immune system in a similar way to aloe vera. Yacon is ideal for low-calorie, low-sugar, detoxification, and weight-loss diets.How to use: Use it as you would honey, agave or maple syrup on foods, in recipes and to sweeten beverages with a spoonful. Yacon syrup has very little influence on the curve of glucose tolerance and is dramatically less glycemic than honey, agave or maple syrup.Stevia:A critical consideration in a healing diet is retaining a low sugar intake. This makes stevia one of the great herbs of the world because stevia is not a sugar at all! In fact, it contains no sugar whatsoever! It is a now widely-used sugar substitute originally from the Andes, South America that has a pseudo (false) sweetness. It is an excellent substitute for sugar, especially in the case of when someone is on a low/non-glycemic healing diet for a short period of time (as in reversing Candida). Sugar feeds the unwanted guests as well as the bacterial, virus-infected, and free-radical damaged cells. By cutting off their food supply, the condition can start to heal.Stevia is available in both straight herb, concentrated liquid and powder form. There are many flavored stevias available that are delicious added to superfood smoothies, salad dressings, and deserts!Agave:Agave syrup is a natural product that tastes like a cross between honey and maple syrup, it dissolves easily and is the perfect sweetener to naturally enhance any food or beverage. To produce organic agave syrup, juice is pressed from the core of the agave plant. The juice is then selected to become dark agave syrup or is filtered to create a light agave syrup. The syrup is then heated (the temperature depends on the brand and quality), to hydrolyze the carbohydrates into sugars. There are over 100 species of Agave cactus in Mexico, Dark agave is produced from the more wild Salmiana species, as opposed to the Blue Agave variety which is used to make tequilla and amber agave nectars. Agave naturally contains Iron, Calcium, Potassium & Magnesium.Dark agave has a relatively low glycemic index (even when compared to other agave products), meaning that it is metabolized more slowly into the bloodstream than other sweeteners and does not cause dramatic blood sugar spikes. This special quality makes it a valuable resource for diabetics, people with hypoglycemia, or anyone who is concerned with maintaining a consistent energy levels. It is also a valuable resource for all raw-food chefs and lovers of fine cuisine, as dark agave is delicious and brings subtle flavor and depth to any dish or drink. Agave also has unique hydrating properties. Ancient inhabitants of the Mexican region believed that it purified the body and soul. It is very smooth, mixes in easily with cacao nibs, any beverage or smoothie, and can be used to replace sugar in traditional recipes.Blue Agave is higher in fructose-producing carbohydrates (85%) than other types of agave, and is considered to be the finest agave in the world.When choosing agave products, check to make sure they are unprocessed, unfiltered and natural. This ensures that they retain valuable nutrients, minerals and enzymes that would otherwise be lost when cooked.Xylitol:Xylitol looks, tastes, and feels exactly like sugar; however, chemically speaking, xylitol is not actually a sugar, but a sugar alcohol. Unlike other sweeteners such as sorbitol, fructose and glucose, the xylitol molecule has five, instead of six, carbon atoms. As a five-carbon sugar, xylitol has anti-microbial properties, whereas six-carbon sugars can cause bacterial and fungal overgrowths.Xylitol is naturally found in some fruits and vegetables, in addition to corn cobs and various trees, especially birch. In humans and animals, xylitol is also found as an intermediate byproduct of carbohydrate metabolism. Xylitol is actually so natural that our bodies constantly produce 5-15 grams per day, under normal metabolism conditions. The natural presence of xylitol in plants, food, and humans suggests that consuming xylitol (in reasonable quantities) is safe for our health. Commercially-obtainable xylitol is not a raw, whole-food product; however, xylitol itself is a natural substance.Xylitol was discovered almost simultaneously by German and French chemists in the 1890's. In the Soviet Union it has been used for decades as a sweetener for diabetics, and in China, xylitol has been used for various medical purposes. In 1983 the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JEFCA) a joint expert committee of WHO and FAO, officially pronounced that xylitol is a safe sweetening additive.The FDA also agreed to this fact in 1986.Note: When choosing xylitol products, we recommend using only birch-derived xylitol.

For more benefits on Xylotol, and more information on other sugar substitutes please see the LongevityNOW program by David Wolfe.Author Bio : Learn how to get the best online super food secrets strategies that will be good and helpful one in dealing with your diet by visiting Where you can find the top 3 proven super food suc

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